Monday, August 3, 2015

Coin Value 101: Demand

Collecting coins, or numismatics, is an activity that has lasted for many, many centuries. At the start, people collected coins for their face value but as time progressed and history books were written, more and more collectors have seen more than just the coin’s face value but its historical and cultural significance as well.

There are different factors that can determine a coin’s value. The most common component that can immediately valuate your coin is its melt value or the precious metals that it is made of and its corresponding value when melted. However, more and more people are looking for coins that have richer history more than just its intrinsic characteristics. The reason for this is that these coins will have more possibility of higher demand in the future. Collectors love the stories behind the things they collect and this usually has more significance and appeal.

The value of the coins still depends on economics like everything else. This means that it is very reliant on supply and demand. Demand can change over time based on different trends and as we mention time and time again, research will play a lot in numismatics.

It is hard to rationalize that there is but one specific factor that would determine a coin’s value because it really is not the case. Demand for a certain coin is also reliant on its grade and its rarity. While it may be true that you have a coin that is sought for by many collectors, it will not be valued as high if it is in a poor state or if there are other collectors who can offer them at a much competitive price.

When determining a coin’s value based on demand, one thing to look for is the pricing trend. Check whether the price is consistent for several years If you see unusual spikes, it may mean that there is an increased demand among collectors at the particular moment. Waiting until the popularity wanes may mean being able to get it at a better price.

Coin collection is a fun hobby but takes time and effort to master. One needs a lot of research and connections to be able to find certain types of coin that will fit the bill of your collection. There are many ways how you can start as a numismatist: you can connect with those who have been in the business to gain as much information, you can learn from websites and other resources to gain access to relevant information about collection coins or you can also look for reliable numismatic firms that can help you jumpstart this newfound hobby.
Numismatic firms, like Colonial Acres Coins, offer a convenient venue for coin collectors to find the coins that they need for their collection. Colonial Acres for example does not only sell coins, they also engage in buying. Colonial Acres Coins is one of the leading numismatic firms in Canada with more than twenty years of serving different collectors with the resources and coins that they need.

Coin Value 101: Grade/Condition

Coin grading – this is a term that beginner collectors will encounter most of the time. Grading coins is one of the most important processes in determining your coin value and if you are a collector for profit, being well-versed in this area will help you a lot in your future dealings of buying and selling coins.

When you hear the word grade, this refers to how numismatists (person who studies or collects coins) value a coin based on its appearance. Collectors would usually grade coins based on their eye appeal, how the surface shows and if there are marks, chips or dents or how its luster and color are preserved compared to its original or mint state.

When grading coins, there is a system that is widely used today known as the Sheldon Scale. The Sheldon Scale is a 70-point scale for grading coins named after its inventor, Dr. William Sheldon in the late 1940s.

At the earlier stages of coin grading, numismatists and collectors simply categorized coins as poor or basal, good, fine, and uncirculated. As years passed, there was a need for a more precise valuation to grading coins and it was Dr. William Sheldon’s system that paved way to a more objective coin grading.

At present, there exists a modified system, which combined Sheldon’s number grades and its corresponding description (adjectival scale). Let’s run through them briefly:
  • Poor – 1: this is a coin that has been badly damaged
  • Fair – 2: the type and date is hard to recognize and the coin is worn out
  • Almost Good – 3: type and date are recognizable although it still shows significant wear-and-tear; some elements like lettering may not be readable
  • Good – 4: the major features of the coin are recognizable but coin is still heavily worn
  • Good – 6: the coin still features a full rim and has the characteristic of the previous grade with major features that are recognizable; still could be heavily worn
  • Very Good – 8: the coin has the features of the previous grade and has a recognizable legend (inscription on the coin signifying who minted it and for what specific purpose);
  • Fine – 12: coin has the features of the previous grade, all legends are readable and is moderately worn
  • Very Fine – 20: the coin shows good detail and has moderate wear on the high points and a little wear below
  • Very Fine – 25: shows light wear on high points with clear, recognizable details
  • Extremely Fine – 40,45: these coins have light wear on high points and can still showcase a trace of the coin’s luster
  • About Uncirculated – 50, 53, 55, 58: these coins range from very minimal wear and light trace of friction on the high points with medium to almost full luster.
  • Mint State Basal – 60: mint condition coins that are free of any wear
  • Mint State higher up to 70: mint state, uncirculated coins with proof designations based on eye appeal, luster or toning, and the absence of contact marks, hair and the like.
Being a master in coin grading takes time and a lot of effort but it is good to have these basics covered as you start on your collection journey. Coin shops like Colonial Acres Coins do not only help beginner collectors expand their newfound hobby, they also feature resources that can help you expound your knowledge on the subject.
As you start on this collection, find a reliable company that can offer assistance every step of the way. Colonial Acres Coins is one of the leading numismatic firms in all of Canada and prides itself by giving collectors the chance to safely purchase coins online along with access lots of helpful information through their informative website. Colonial Acres deals in Canadian & US coins and paper bills.

Coin Value 101: Melt Value

Coin collecting has dated as far back as when coins were first minted or produced. At the start, this hobby has been very popular with royalty. During the Italian Renaissance era, it was known that the great emperor Augustus was fond of collecting old and foreign coins and using them as gifts to his friends. In many historical sources, it has been proven that coin collecting has also been popular during the Roman era.

Coin collecting is also known as numismatics and is described by Encyclopaedia Britannica as the systematic accumulation and study of coins, tokens, paper money, and objects of similar form and purpose.

When currency was first used, coins were widely circulated and paper money was introduced only much later with the exception of countries like China and Japan. Many coins were made of precious metals, like gold and silver, at the earlier times and people who collect these for investment or for profit would usually look for these rare coins for their melt value.

But what exactly is melt value? To define it very simply, melt value is the value of the coin based on the metals that it is composed of. Because coin collecting has dated hundred of years back, numismatists have already created a database of the melt value of many coins so you do not technically need to “melt” your collection to be able to find out what it is worth.

Most coins that contain silver and gold are kept by collectors and trade or sell them when the value of gold and silver becomes high in the market. Because of this, as a coin collector, you also need to be knowledgeable of the current trends in the market regarding the prices of these precious metals that your coins are composed of.

When dealing with coins, you need to find a perfect partner who is able to give you the best value for your money. Find a reliable numismatic firm that can run you through the value of your collection like Colonial Acres Coins. Colonial Acres Coins has been in the industry for more than twenty years and has helped collectors buy and sell coins to widen and expand their collection. If you do not know where to start, check out Colonial Acres website to have access to lots of helpful information about coin collecting.
Colonial Acres is one of the leading numismatic firms in all of Canada and prides itself by giving collectors the chance to safely purchase coins online.

Coin Value 101: Mintage

There are many reasons why people collect coins. Some would do it for profit and would concentrate more on looking for rare and highly valuable coins while others would decide on a specific theme such as collections based on history, a specific face and type, or from where it is from.

To be able to clearly understand these details, one needs to know about the mintage of these coins.

Mintage is the process of minting the coins so in essence, it determines the maximum supply of coins in the market. It is important for you to know the mintage of the coins that you are collecting so you will be able to determine its rarity in the market.

Low-mintage coins are usually more sought after by collectors as they could present higher returns in the future because of their rarity. However, it is also important to note that there can be other factors that would affect your coin value in terms of grade and demand. In some cases, some coins with high mint value may not have high surviving population so these coins may still have higher value than those coins with low mintage but are still high in circulation.

It takes a lot of research and studying to be able to progress with your coin collection. There are many things that you can do to expand your knowledge such as joining a club for coin collectors to learn and exchange ideas. You can also check out some helpful literature and other resources about the subject matter.

The truth is, coin collecting has become easier over time with the age of the Internet. Many collectors go online to do buy-and-sell of these coins. The most important part of this process is to look for reliable numismatic firms that will help you with this endeavor. One of the leading numismatic firms in Canada, Colonial Acres Coins, offers more than twenty years of experience and expertise to help you expand your hobby.

Colonial Acres Coins does not only provide a reliable service of online coin buy-and-sell transactions, they also educate collectors with access to lots of information on their website. Whether you are a budding collector wishing to know more about numismatics or a long-time hobbyist looking for that rare coin to complete your collection, Colonial Acres Coins may be your perfect partner in achieving your goal. Go and visit their website today!

Sunday, August 2, 2015

Coin Value 101: Survival Rate

Coin collecting has become a popular hobby for many people, most especially today. With the rise of the Internet, many collectors already have access to loads of information about the coins that they are collecting and there to purchase, trade or sell them.

There are many factors that one should consider when determining your coin value. On top of our list are the following: mintage, survival rate, grade, melt value, and of course, demand.

For today, let us talk a little about survival rate or the surviving population of coins.

The total base number for a certain coin population is its mintage, which is also known as the quantity produced for that particular type of coin. After these coins are produced, they are released to circulation.  There are some instances, though, that these coins become outdated and are pulled out from circulation because of wear and tear. Some survive the test of time and these coins that are still circulating today is known to be its surviving population or survival rate.

Many numismatists would converse on actual survival percentages of coins but there seems to be no precise computation. Initially, the base supply would always go back to its mintage. However, there will be many factors that come into play and research will be your best friend. For example, there might be low mintage for a certain kind of coin. Following this train of thought, you would assume that survival rate will also be lower than the most and will technically be rarer that the rest. However, this does not mean that you have in your hands a high-value coin because other factors such as eye appeal, historical value or melt value may not be attractive to other collectors.

Research is of utmost importance when you are a coin collector because there are many factors that can come into play. While surviving rate can determine the rarity of your coin and its maximum supply, you also need to consider its intrinsic and face value because this will affect demand. It is important to note that despite limited supply, a coin will not have that much value if there is no apparent demand for it.

Numismatic firms like Colonial Acres Coins provide a facility wherein you can purchase coins that can complete your collection. Not only that, they also provide resources and lots of information in their website so you can make an educated guess as to which coin would serve its purpose in your collection. 

Colonial Acres Coins is one of the leading numismatic firms in all of Canada and prides itself by giving collectors the chance to safely purchase coins online. With more than twenty years of dealing with coins, you can rest assured that you have an expert in your hands when you deal with Colonial Acres.

Collecting Coins for Profit

Coin collectors choose and buy coins with the categories of their liking, but the biggest factor for having high value coins is the rarity of these coins. Because they aren't easy to come by, rare coins have much greater value, especially when they are in best shape. Top tier coins and other collectible coins can be used for gaining profit. Coin collection isn't all about collecting; it's also a business for many of our collectors.
There are many things one ought to consider when collecting coins for profit. How can one tell if the coins are profit makers in the future? One may not be entirely sure, but there are tips to help you decide which coins are most likely to be sold at a higher price in the future. Let us go through them briefly:
  1. Look for defaced or slightly damaged coins
This may sound ridiculous to you, because who would want a less than perfect coin? You may as well remember that not all coins are priced for the face value. Some coins are valued for the material they are forged from, from the era they come from, and the rarity of the coin. Many coin sellers may not know which of these imperfect coins value for much more, so if you find one that you're sure is worth a lot more than for how it's sold, don't hesitate to buy them. You can make money from these coins with the proper buyers.
  1. Focus on buying rare coins
Rare coins that are very low in circulation may cost you a lot-- but imagine how the value will go up in the next 5 years. The rarer they get, the more expensive they will be, and there are always collectors who will buy these coins from you especially if they are in best shape.
  1. Know everything about your rare coins
Having a good knowledge about the coins in your portfolio may boost their selling value. The stories you share about them will add to the historical value and will convince the buyer to get the coin for a higher price.
  1. Choose coins acknowledged by NGC and PCGS
Numismatic Guaranty Corporation and Professional Coin Grading Services rare coins may have higher resale value since they are famous grading agencies that will certify your coins to be legit and rare.
Coin collection for profit can be easily assisted by your coin shops. Make sure you buy from shops that offer you real and high quality coins. A great way to improve your money making coin collection is watching out for rare coin sales. Colonial Acres Coins, for example, has promotional offers and sales every now and then with coins certified by NGC. Coin collection as a profitable business can be made easier with a trusted numismatic firm. With Colonial Acres, you can rest assured that your coins are at the best shape and are authentic.
Colonial Acres Coins is one of the leading numismatic firms in all of Canada and prides itself by giving collectors the chance to safely purchase coins online along with access lots of helpful information through their informative website. Colonial Acres deals in Canadian & US coins and paper.

How to properly keep your coin collection

Since medieval times, coins have been used as a symbol for a civilization’s progress and stability. Coins of different content and design represent the civilization’s culture, and because of this, the coin values not only lies in the material they are made of but also the culture they represent. Coin collection has been a hobby of many people, especially the rich and noble in the older times. In the modern era, anyone can have his own coin collection—but not all are capable of preserving them to keep the coin value from depreciating.

Starting your own coin collection requires diligence. Coins are delicate objects, and most are stored for their historical or collector value. Rare coins must be treated with utmost care. Any blemish or tarnished part of a coin can greatly lower its value. Coin collections must be properly stored and handled. Today, we share with you some tips to help you keep your coin collections safe.
  1. Whenever you handle coins, make sure you touch only the edges and not the face. Oil and dirt from your hands can cause the coin surface to tarnish.  Wash your hands before handling your coins to remove dirt and oil.
  2. Store coins in airtight vessels.  There are a lot of options on what storage vessel you can use, but each has its own pros and cons.
  • Cardboard containers lined with clear mylar are the most inexpensive way of storing your coins. However, the plastic can contribute to coin toning and spotting.
  • Coin flips also provide good storage means, although they are not airtight. Coins can still slide around in them and this could result to some minor scratches.
  • There are popular brands that hold coins and they are made from clear acrylic and non-yellowing agent. They offer an airtight seal, and frame the coin nicely so it doesn’t slide around. This is a good way to store your coins, although it can get a bit expensive.
  • Coin slabs are sealed hard plastic holders that are meant for long-term storage and are best used for rare coins. They are very expensive, but still considered as the best way to store coins.
  1. Always keep your coin collection in a cool and dry storage area. Heat and moisture can cause corrosion and will greatly affect your coins’ value.
Coin sellers, like Colonial Acres Coins, also sell these storage vessels. Colonial Acres support collectors to store their coins properly by selling them storage boxes and accessories. Colonial Acres has been in business since 1991 and with their expansive and extensive knowledge in coins, you can trust that you will get the best of coins and the best storage option that is meant to protect and preserve the coin value your precious collection.
Colonial Acres Coins is one of the leading numismatic firms in all of Canada and prides itself by giving collectors the chance to safely purchase coins online along with access lots of helpful information through their informative website. Colonial Acres deals in Canadian & US coins and paper.

How to start your own coin collection

Coins come in different sizes, shapes and material. They also represent various cultures and showcase the important role that it played in moving forward an empire’s economy. Coins represent the growth of a country. They aren’t just gold, silver, palladium or whatever metal forged into a flat shape. They represent the progress of humanity and its timeline of empires and kingdoms that have reigned and have fallen over the years.
Coins have so much value in them, especially coins that played a crucial role in history. Coin collectors do what they do for many reasons but one of them is preserving a piece of our great history. If you want start your own coin collection, but do not have the knowledge on how to start, we only have one piece of advice: start small.
Start with circulation coins. These coins are encountered in your everyday life, and are very easy to come by. They also don’t have much value and are therefore not too fragile. Starting with this small set will help you determine whether or not you are into coin collection. And, if you ever decide that it’s not your cup of tea, you can always spend them.
When starting a coin collection, start from the bottom and work your way up to more valuable coins. But, before you start looking and collecting higher value and rarer coins, be sure to read up on coin collection guides and handling. Being familiar with the basics of handling coins and how to store them is a vital step to prepare you as you collect higher value coins in the future.
It would also help to seek another coin collector’s advice. You can learn a lot from people who have been into coin collecting far longer than you have been. You get to learn from their experiences, and you may even learn a few tips to help you preserve your coins.
After you get to share ideas with other coin collectors and have decided that coin collection is your thing, you can move to the next step: Decide what kind of coins to collect. Coins are very unique and you can categorize them. You can decide which category you will use as your guide in collecting. You can collect by country, year, mint mark, series, theme, or just collect shotgun style.
Always choose a coin shop with a clean reputation and has been in service for a long time to make sure that you will not get duped by fake coins. Colonial Acres Coins has been providing quality coins and accessories for at least 10 years and you can guarantee that the coins from our shop are authentic. We do not only sell coins, we also buy them. Colonial Acres will help you start your own collection by providing you easy service and quality coins that would suit your current needs. Whether you are just starting your own coin collection or looking to expand your portfolio, Colonial Acres Coins is your best bet for all your numismatic needs.  
Colonial Acres Coins is one of the leading numismatic firms in all of Canada and prides itself by giving collectors the chance to safely purchase coins online along with access lots of helpful information through their informative website. Colonial Acres deals in Canadian & US coins and paper.

Things to Avoid Doing to Collectible Coins

Coins collection is a serious hobby and should not be taken lightly. Coins are fragile and are easily exposed to damage, especially those of higher mintage and value. Beginner collectors ought to know how to take care of coins, because there are common misconceptions about cleaning and storing coins. Some may not hold true to all, but if you are collecting high value coins and want to keep the coin values stable, it would be best to know what to avoid doing to your coins.
  1. Handling coins with dirty or unsanitized hands
Our hands always carry oils and dirt, and these two can cause great damage to more delicate coins. They can cause minor discoloration, tarnishing and minuscule scratching. The damage may not sound so great to you, especially if you're a beginner--- but always keep in mind that collector and rare coins depreciate greatly in value if exposed to even these little kinds of damage.
  1. Cleaning coins
This may sound like a surprise to you, but yes-- cleaning coins will damage them. Every time you clean your coins, you expose them to the air. Metal always deteriorates when exposed to air, since it will oxidize and start to tone. The best thing to do is to store your coins in dust-free and air-proof containers to prolong the coin lifespan. Also, keep cleaning at a minimal rate, and only when necessary.
  1. Using saliva to clean coins
Unfortunately, some people believe that saliva is the best cleaning agent for coins. This is a mistake you should avoid. Your saliva could cause discoloration to your coins, so instead of using it, use a trusted cleaning agent by expert coin collectors.
  1. Breaking the coin holders
Always make sure your holders are in their best shape. An airproof container that is damaged may no longer be able to protect your coins from discoloration and oxidation. Check your holders for damage and if the damage cannot be repaired, do not hesitate to replace the holder immediately. Otherwise, the coin housed by the holder will tarnish over time because of exposure to dirt and air.
  1. Scraping coins against hard surfaces
Coins will most likely result to scratching every time you drag the across a table. Whenever you handle coins and inspect them or clean them, make sure you put the coins on a soft surface. A velvet pad is the best option, although for less expensive alternatives a clean soft cloth will do the job.
Taking on coin collection requires diligence and knowledge about coins. One should not carelessly handle them. Doing so could decrease the value of your coins, and that is one of the many fears of every coin collector.
To be a coin collector is to make sure your coins are safe from damage. Coins dealers such as Colonial Acres Coins also sell various books about coin collection that can greatly influence your habits regarding the subject. So if you want your coins to be in best shape-- drop by and shop at Colonial Acres Coins, and you will not only get top tier coins but also great tips and books to help you preserve your coin collection.
Colonial Acres Coins is one of the leading numismatic firms in all of Canada and prides itself by giving collectors the chance to safely purchase coins online along with access lots of helpful information through their informative website. Colonial Acres deals in Canadian & US coins and paper.

What coins should I buy?

Coin collection has a very broad coverage. Coins are made diversely and uniquely, forged with the influence of time, culture, and economic progress. Because of this, each collector has a wide variety of coin categories to choose from. A collector could specialize in coins by category of era, civilization, material, money value, theme or design, and many other categories. So, if one starts a collection of coins it is best to determine which category you will focus on, although there are some who collect all coins they like regardless of category.
Every coin collector wants to keep an eye out for good coins. Good coins have higher values than deformed or damaged ones. Because every one aims for their coins to be at the best shape, it is important to keep in mind the traits of good coins. What kind of coins should you buy?
  1. Authentic
If you are going for silver or gold coins, the material matters most. Make sure your coins are authentic and not some fake coin. There are many ways to determine whether they are real or not. For example, silver can easily be tested with the use of neodymium magnets. Hover the magnet above the silver. If it's fake, it will stick.
  1. No tarnish and minimal to no scratches
The best coins are at their best shape. No toned parts, no scratches. Coin collectors who have the eye for rare collectibles are very keen at inspecting the coin. Any scratch or tarnishing will greatly depreciate the coin's value.
  1. Rare
Of course this isn't ideal for beginners. Rare coins are low in supply, as the name suggests. Because it is in low supply, the value of these coins increase overtime. The fewer they get, the more likely they become collector coins, and the coin value will skyrocket.
  1. Graded Coins
The two most popular coin grading companies are PCGS and NGC. Their grading of coins is considered a reliable standard for determining the value of your coins.
Now that you have a few tips on what to check on your coins, you may go on a coin hunt to add a new batch to your collection. Remember though, that the best and the most serious coin collectors have one thing in common: a trusted coin partner or numismatic dealer.
Colonial Acres has been a trusted coin dealer company for more than twenty years, and the core of the business was founded on trust. If you want to get serious with your coin collection too, Colonial Acres should be one of the places you should check out.